Slice of life

Taking it one day at a time can be a balm to your soul. Learn about the cancer community and what they do to make each day count.

slice of life
(Y)our slice of life
ginnie baldridge
(Y)our Stories
cW Slice of Life: Now I Know

Part Three of Mandi Chambless’ “Tomorrow I’ll Know” finds Mandi at the doctor’s office — tense and anxious beyond belief, waiting for test results for her latest ovarian cancer screening. Could her biggest fear be coming true? Are her recent symptoms a result of cancer recurrence, or are her anxieties getting the best of her? 

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(Y)our Stories
cW Slice of Life: Today I’ll Know

Part two of the cW Slice of Life essay series, Part Two of Mandi Chambless’ “Tomorrow I’ll Know” takes readers through her cancer journey, exploring the fears that seem insurmountable, the grief of losing sight of past selves and the anxieties of not knowing what is to come — emotions that are real, raw and deserving of recognition.

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(Y)our Stories
cW Slice of Life: “Tomorrow I’ll Know”

In this new series called cW: Slices of Life, check out the journeys of cancer warriors who are taking things day by day. Read on for the first in a three-part story titled “Tomorrow I’ll Know” by Mandi Chambless.

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