(Y)our Stories

We are proud to present our spotlight stories featuring inspiring journeys from cancer warriors, innovators, and those living their lives amidst their biggest struggle.

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slice of life

Our Spotlight stories
Livia Boutique Breast Cancer
(Y)our Stories
Livia, Laugh, Love

Marbled walls, glowing white shelves and splashes of pink throughout make Livia Boutique a picture of modern elegance. Featuring products uniquely tailored to the cancer experience, this safe space in the heart of New York City offers breast cancer warriors and thrivers a way to connect, relax and support each other throughout their journeys.

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Dr Diane Reidy-Lagunes
(Y)our Stories
Tuning In to Hope

Dr. Diane Reidy-Lagunes of Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center combines her training as an oncologist and her passion for helping others by hosting the informative and inspirational “Cancer Straight Talk” podcast.

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Dr Faiz Bhora
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Inhaling Hazards

With flavors such as mango and crème brûlée, vaping among youth and teens was once seen as something enjoyable and trendy. Now, society is recognizing the more sinister side of the brands marketing these potentially harmful products. cW sits down with Dr. Faiz Bhora, chief of thoracic surgery at Hackensack Meridian Health, to discuss this pernicious threat.

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stephanie herron
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Stand Up & Support

Stand Up To Cancer’s new CDO, Stephanie Herron, inspires innovation to help break the model of fundraising for cancer research.

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Roots and Wings Foundation
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The Light Ahead

Roots & Wings Foundation raises awareness about metastatic breast cancer (MBC), connecting those diagnosed with integrative therapies to help them live longer, healthier lives.

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Kathy Hren
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The Gift of Time

Kathy Hren has been a stage IV, ALK-positive lung cancer warrior for almost 12 years. Through life-prolonging medicine and art therapy in the form of quilting, she has been able to live a life she is grateful for.

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the blonde cherie
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Couture Cancer

While Stacie Fleming was living out her fashion-fueled dreams in Paris, France, strange symptoms called her back to the U.S. The diagnosis? Late-stage ovarian cancer. But Stacie refused to allow cancer to consume her identity, and she used treatment sessions as an opportunity to don a show-stopping outfit and strut her stuff on the “chemo catwalk.” The results? Nurturing her creative spirit allowed her to ultimately find healing.

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artists of the cancer community
(Y)our Stories
Artists of the Cancer Community

These six artists have all been touched by cancer — as supporters, survivors or thrivers. Here, they share creative works inspired by the cancer experience, each one utterly unique but with a shared message of perseverance and hope.

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cW online
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cW Online

Our supporters are our biggest allies. Over on our Instagram @cancerwellmag, we asked questions about how to show support to yourself and your loved ones through a cancer diagnosis. Read on for some thoughts from our followers.

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Anything Goes With Everything

In March’s A Common Thread column, Melissa Berry chats with Lori Goldstein, founder of LOGO by Lori Goldstein, about her clothing line and the amazing work she does for breast cancer.

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Taking Action

Cancer Wellness spoke with the founders of six wildly different initiatives — from a nonprofit, to a mobile app, to a virtual happy hour — that were all inspired by their individual cancer journeys.

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Meaningful Movement with Aunt Sister

Maintaining good physical fitness can lead to more positive outcomes for people with cancer, but the dearth of resources can be a significant roadblock for some — the Aunt Sister Project is looking to change that. Whether you’re new to fitness or a seasoned athlete, this nonprofit provides free or low-cost exercise classes, for all fitness levels, for cancer thrivers and survivors everywhere.

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Moving Beyond Cancer

LIVESTRONG at the YMCA is a free program, operating in 42 states, that helps cancer survivors find and maintain an active lifestyle.

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(Y)our Stories
cW Library: Winter 2023

Michelle Segar, a researcher and health coach, offers insight about sustainable behavior changes in her latest book, “The Joy Choice.”

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(Re)Building the Body

Erica Langley’s breast cancer diagnosis came just weeks before her first bodybuilding competition. With no family history of cancer and a sparkling record of clean living, she was blindsided by her diagnosis. But she would soon find her physical and mental strength — honed during rigorous training — would be an asset during treatment and help her come back stronger than ever.

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cW online
(Y)our Stories
cW Online

Over on our Instagram, @cancerwellmag, we asked cW readers a question: What is the first thing you did when you were declared cancer-free? Read on for their responses.

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The Psychedelic Series

Part one of cW’s Psychedelic Series examines the history of research into psychedelic drugs in the United States and considers why psychedelic therapy may be an ideal option to help relieve some cancer patients’ end-of-life depression and anxiety.

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(Y)our Stories
On the Way to Wellness

Robb Leone, president and cofounder of BIÂN, follows up with Cancer Wellness about his journey with leukemia and the many things for which he’s grateful.

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Miranda Mckeon
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One in a Million

Actress Miranda McKeon uses her social media platform to encourage open and honest discussions about the mental and physical aspects of cancer, breaking stigmas about breast cancer and demystifying a diagnosis to her loyal followers, which number more than a million.

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(Y)our Stories
The Brightened & Enlightened Series Presents: FORCE

Cancer Wellness is proud to present the first installment of our new series in partnership with Bright Pink. FORCE is the first (and largest) nonprofit focused on providing education and resources to the hereditary cancer community, while championing efforts to widen access to genetic testing, cancer screenings and lifesaving treatments and procedures — regardless of income or insurance status.

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ethan zohn
(Y)our Stories
A New Kind of “Survivor”

Ethan Zohn became a household name after winning season three of “Survivor,” one of America’s longest-running reality TV shows, but his million-dollar win pales in comparison to surviving cancer — not once, but twice.

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(Y)our Stories
But What About My Mind?

Tamron Little was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma at just 21 years old. Despite balancing new motherhood, an arduous cancer treatment schedule and a rollercoaster ride of emotions, it would take almost a decade post-treatment for Little to find the mental health resources she needed when first diagnosed. In this Slice of Life essay, Little reminds us to listen not only to our bodies, but also to our minds.

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ginnie baldridge
(Y)our Stories
cW Slice of Life: Now I Know

Part Three of Mandi Chambless’ “Tomorrow I’ll Know” finds Mandi at the doctor’s office — tense and anxious beyond belief, waiting for test results for her latest ovarian cancer screening. Could her biggest fear be coming true? Are her recent symptoms a result of cancer recurrence, or are her anxieties getting the best of her? 

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(Y)our Stories
cW Library: Fall 2022

In her new memoir, “Not in Vain, A Promise Kept,” Melissa Mullamphy chronicles her experience as caregiver following her mother’s cancer diagnosis — a time marked by misdiagnosis, difficult treatments and inept doctors — and provides real-life details for how to advocate for yourself or your loved ones amidst a cancer diagnosis.

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(Y)our Stories
A Tender Touch

We hold the power to help heal in our hands. Physical touch can act as a healing modality to help people with cancer feel supported and loved while reducing stress and anxiety.

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sophie tsairis
(Y)our Stories
In Heaviness and Light

Sophie Tsairis’ doctors warned that her childhood cancer treatment could lead to early menopause, but every passing decade pushed this fact further from her mind. That is, until her early thirties, when she was forced to confront the reason behind a body and mind she was struggling to recognize.

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sara machnik
(Y)our Stories
Line by Line

Sara Machnik was diagnosed with breast cancer in the middle of the pandemic — a cancer diagnosis is isolating enough, but COVID protocols made it difficult to connect with other warriors, friends and family. But then she started writing poetry, and Sara was able to face the darkness and turn her experience into something beautiful.

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(Y)our Stories
cW Slice of Life: Today I’ll Know

Part two of the cW Slice of Life essay series, Part Two of Mandi Chambless’ “Tomorrow I’ll Know” takes readers through her cancer journey, exploring the fears that seem insurmountable, the grief of losing sight of past selves and the anxieties of not knowing what is to come — emotions that are real, raw and deserving of recognition.

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(Y)our Stories
Working Toward Inclusive Oncology

The National LGBT Cancer Network breaks down health disparities for the queer community. Their work becomes especially important during Breast Cancer Awareness Month, when “Pink-tober” can alienate those it is trying to help.

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(Y)our Stories
cW Slice of Life: “Tomorrow I’ll Know”

In this new series called cW: Slices of Life, check out the journeys of cancer warriors who are taking things day by day. Read on for the first in a three-part story titled “Tomorrow I’ll Know” by Mandi Chambless.

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(Y)our Stories
Baseball and Basal Cells

Johnny Bench of the Cincinnati Reds is “on the ball” when it comes to skin cancer. Cancer Wellness talks with Bench about his skin cancer diagnosis and how “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.”

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radiation exposure
(Y)our Stories

Communities downwind of nuclear testing sites bear the brunt of negative health outcomes from radiation exposure.

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Prolonging Life With a Pill

A sudden diagnosis of stage IV lung cancer left Diane Hura uncertain about her future, but a drug for ALK-positive lung cancers inspired hope for a second chance.

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Alina Mehrle
(Y)our Stories
Beauty By Design

Alina Mehrle was busy building an empire when she was diagnosed with aggressive triple-positive breast cancer. But it was her cancer journey that would go on to inspire an entirely new pursuit — the much-loved and award-winning skincare brand AMEŌN.

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Abby Lee Miller
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Dancing Diva

Abby Lee Miller of the popular show “Dance Moms” hasn’t let a cancer diagnosis stop her from living life to the fullest.

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(Y)our Stories
Under One Roof

Robb Leone, president and co-founder of the health and lifestyle club, BIÂN, incorporates integrative healing methods to help manage his cancer while taking charge of his mental health.

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Bill Potts
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Up for the Fight

Bill C. Potts is a five-time cancer survivor. In our latest essay, Bill shares five invaluable lessons from his experiences with cancer.

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A Different Kind of Life

Nick Aiello entered uncharted territory after a testicular cancer diagnosis at 28 and exited with a toolbox to chase a more fulfilling life.

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rick bartlett
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A Rewritten Route

Rick Bartlett, prostate cancer thriver, hopes revolutionary advancements in cancer care will encourage more men to take their health seriously.

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(Y)our Stories
Surviving the Odds

After being treated for the wrong cancer for over a year, renowned pianist and composer Michael Wolff was diagnosed with a rare and untreatable cancer. Now, he’s in remission.

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whitney reynolds
(Y)our Stories
Stories of Hope

It’s 2022 and I am so excited to spread some of the hope we’ve found on “The Whitney Reynolds Show.” This spring, we’re sharing the story of BIÂN CEO and kidney cancer warrior Joseph Fisher. Because he listened to his body, early detection potentially saved his life.

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(Y)our Stories
To the Screen

Renee Ridgeley pushed for the inclusion of “The Simpsons” uniboob character Dr. Wendy Sage, but her breast cancer advocacy goes even further than that.

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Making Waves

Nathan Adrian’s lifetime of competitive swimming prepared him for many challenges, but facing testicular cancer was a plunge that the Olympic swimmer and medalist never thought he’d take.

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Back to Basics

Arlene Karole’s career in educating educators served her well during her breast cancer diagnosis.

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(Y)our Stories
Cancer Connection

Breast cancer warrior Yoli Origel details founding Cancer Kinship, an organization connecting warriors and thrivers for empowerment through human connection.

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Healing Together

Through its Breathe Now Wellness Retreats, Dear Jack Foundation helps bring couples closer together after cancer treatment.

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Live and Let Live

Lauren Lopriore has turned her cancer journey into an opportunity to provide care and comfort to other warriors through her business Liv & Let.

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(Y)our Stories
Latinas Contra Cancer

While Latinx communities may not experience cancer as often as their non-Hispanic white counterparts, disparities still exist. California-based organization Latinas Contra Cancer is working to change that.

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(Y)our Stories
The Supporter: Rana Bitar

Oncologist Rana Bitar talks about her new book “The Long Tale of Tears and Smiles: An Oncologist’s Journey” highlighting why it is so important for medical professionals to listen to warriors.

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gen z and cancer
(Y)our Stories
Gen Z & the Big C

It can be difficult to be taken seriously as a young person. But as cancer rates continue growing in younger demographics, warriors like 21 year old Manar Kashk stress the importance of advocating for yourself and listening to your body when it comes to your health.

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(Y)our Stories
Take Care

As if a cancer diagnosis weren’t hard enough, caregiving can come at its own cost. Serena Hu shares her experience caregiving for her late father.

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Sharon Brock Lovee
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Guided by LOVEE

Breast cancer warrior and mindfulness facilitator Sharon Brock shares how her “LOVEE Method” inspired resilience throughout her own diagnosis and treatment.

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black women rising
(Y)our Stories
Rising Up

Founder of Black Women Rising and breast cancer warrior Leanne Pero advocates for Black warriors and thrivers to receive the resources they need to beat cancer.

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(Y)our Stories
As I Am

Three-time cancer warrior Bianca Muñiz is singing through survivorship.

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(Y)our Stories
Talk Off

Catharsis and community abound in “Talk About Cancer,” a weekly podcast featuring warriors, caregivers and more speaking candidly about their cancer experience.

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(Y)our Stories
Where Life Takes You

Tamron Little, who was diagnosed with peritoneal mesothelioma at just 21 years old, recalls her experience with the disease and how she never let it stop her from living each day with love.

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(Y)our Stories
#FighterFriday: Tracee Cole

Breast cancer thriver Tracee Cole shares her experience of being diagnosed with stage II triple-positive breast cancer a mere month before COVID-19 shut the world down.

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(Y)our Stories
Learning to Live

Rhonda Meckstroth knows all too well how important it is to receive a second opinion—it saved her husband Jeff during his unexpected lung cancer diagnosis in their small rural Ohio community. Now they’re fighting for other families to have the same second shot at life.

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(Y)our Stories
#FighterFriday: Alexis Mencos

Alexis Mencos had all the symptoms of pregnancy—then it turned out to actually be ovarian cancer. Freshly 21 and in the middle of getting her degree, Mencos was determined that her diagnosis wouldn’t be a full-stop in her life, but a pause.

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(Y)our Stories
Hatching Hope

The Chick Mission educates, assists and advocates for women seeking cancer-related fertility preservation.

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stephanie yuskis
(Y)our Stories
Mind Over Matter

Breast cancer warrior Stephanie Yuskis found out she had two major health issues in the span of one week, and discovered strength through her son.

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Braving the Battle

Former NFL player Devon Still and United Therapeutics Oncology are teaming up through Braving NeuroBLASToma to provide a playbook for the rare childhood cancer—and for Still, it’s personal.

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(Y)our Stories
Looking for the Light

Writer and artist Danielle Doby shares the lessons she’s learned about gratitude, grief and the infinite influence of cancer.

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(Y)our Stories
Making It Through

Lymphoma warrior Nicole Bullock reflects on how faith and hope got her through cancer and put her on a new, more enriching path in life.

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(Y)our Stories
#FighterFriday: Juliet Aguwa

Juliet Aguwa details her cancer experience as an African woman and how she is bringing awareness to underserved communities, all while finding beauty again.

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(Y)our Stories
A Sisterhood of Survivors

A close connection with warriors is still possible through a screen. The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition left no stone unturned during its virtual weekend Wellness Retreat this past spring that led participants in finding support, spreading awareness and taking action.

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(Y)our Stories
A Perfect Match

Resilientship is redefining friendship for women warriors, pairing you with someone who understands exactly what you’re going through with its platonic matchmaking service.

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(Y)our Stories
#FighterFriday: The Show Must Go On

Musician Luke Fockler didn’t let a cancer diagnosis slow him down. Instead, he and his band, Along Came a Spider, used the “invisible disease” as a chance to provide solace for others fighting their own unseen battles.

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(Y)our Stories
Find Your Joy and Go There

After surviving breast cancer, Nicole Czarnomski lives her life with joy and inspires others to find what makes them happy, even in the face of adversity.

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(Y)our Stories
A Survivor’s Way

As a breast cancer survivor, Amy Wu knew how to live with the uncertainty of the COVID lockdown by finding new ways to adapt and to advocate for others.

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(Y)our Stories
Over the Moon

Photographer and filmmaker Ben Moon has experienced many wild things throughout his years on the road, but a colorectal cancer diagnosis at 29 was by far one of the least expected. Now cancer-free, Moon combines vulnerability and adventure to show that even with hardship, there is still a lot of life left to live.

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(Y)our Stories
A Survivor Forever

Carla Walker wasn’t surprised when she received a breast cancer diagnosis—three of her sisters had also had the disease. But then her twin daughters were diagnosed too, situating Carla to set an example in survivorship.

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(Y)our Stories
In This Together

Young Survival Coalition’s annual summit may have gone virtual this year, but there was no shortage of making connections and fostering community for young women warriors.

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(Y)our Stories
Just Do It

Pre-vivor Paige Kornblue says observing her mother’s surprise battle with colon cancer inspired her to take her health seriously, even during a pandemic.

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Breaking Barriers

Women researchers are important to cancer science, yet the oncology field often fails at properly recognizing it. Organizations like Women Who Conquer Cancer and ResearcHERS are working to shatter the glass ceiling.

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(Y)our Stories
For the Love of Baseball

After her mother passed away from cancer, Katie Russell Newland went on the trip of a lifetime for any baseball fan in order to get closer to her.

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“Cut Here”

Armed with a brand new targeted therapy option, familial support and a sense of humor, Shannan A. is rising above brain cancer.

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(Y)our Stories
Reclaiming Myself

After a difficult breast cancer journey, Lesley Nygaard turned pain into passion by creating a holistic nutritional resource for other warriors.

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(Y)our Stories
cW Chat: Melody Lomboy-Lowe

Drawing from her journey with childhood cancer, Melody Lomboy-Lowe is now uplifting the cancer community during its hardest moments through a portrait series.

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(Y)our Stories
Care to Share?

Every cancer journey is different and so is the way you choose to share it. Finding the best communication tools to keep your loved ones in the loop means one less thing to worry about.

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(Y)our Stories
Insist and Persist

After a stage IV breast cancer diagnosis, Leslie Ferris Yerger realized there was a lot she hadn’t known about the risk of cancer when it comes to dense breasts. With the formation of nonprofit My Density Matters, she’s urging other women to take action.

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(Y)our Stories
Boobie Queens

Breast cancer warriors can find extra support through Boobie Crowns, an organization with an unconventional way of making you feel like royalty.

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(Y)our Stories
#FighterFriday: Chantelle Krangle

Chantelle Krangle knows all too well that surviving childhood cancer doesn’t end when you reach adulthood. Cancer has left a lingering legacy for the 27 year old as she works to move forward in life two decades after a diagnosis.

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(Y)our Stories
Gardening for Cancer

It’s spring! There’s no better moment than the present to cultivate your daydreams of becoming a green-thumbed horticulturist.

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lauren mahon
(Y)our Stories
Real Talk

In all of her unfiltered and unabashed glory, GIRLvsCANCER founder Lauren Mahon has set out to show young women that they are more than a diagnosis.

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(Y)our Stories
Finding Her Vitality

At 41 years old, Lesley Nygaard was diagnosed with stage III breast cancer. What could have been a devastating experience inspired her to create a naturopathic medicine company to help others.

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bridget stillwell
(Y)our Stories
Reckless Bravery

One family’s history demonstrates how cancer can be passed from generation to generation—but so can courage.

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(Y)our Stories
Caught in the Middle

Millennials can feel left behind in the cancer community when receiving a diagnosis in the prime of their life, especially in comparison to their younger or older counterparts. Stupid Cancer is changing that.

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(Y)our Stories
Just Let Me Know What I Can Do

During breast cancer treatment, it can be tough to tell others what you need when you’re not even sure yourself. Nonprofit organization Step Sisters is there to help.

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(Y)our Stories
A Lasting Legacy

Renowned racing car driver John Andretti lost his battle to colon cancer in 2020, but his legacy lives on as his family promotes and provides early screenings through the #CheckIt4Andretti foundation.

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(Y)our Stories
cW Chat: Sara Olsher

Mighty + Bright creator Sara Olsher is tackling difficult conversations with children through a line of books about coping with change and chaos.

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Timing is Everything

It’s easy to delay or avoid routine screenings. But Cynthia Hayes knows all too well that these pesky appointments can be life-saving.

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My Mother’s Message

After caring for her mother during her battle with stage IV stomach cancer, Michelle Patidar trusted her instincts when a dream-state visit from her mother warned her about her own health.

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(Y)our Stories
The Bigger Picture

Art speaks louder than words in Twist Out Cancer’s Brushes with Cancer program that utilizes artists to paint a picture of the relationship individuals have with cancer.

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(Y)our Stories
It’s Only Natural

Two breast cancer diagnoses in her 30s have not stopped Chris-Tia Donaldson, lawyer and founder of natural hair care brand Thank God It’s Natural, from living her best life in the present.

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(Y)our Stories
Special Delivery

Share the love or treat yourself with this roundup of care packages that curate thoughtful goodies with cancer warriors in mind.

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(Y)our Stories
Coming Up Roses

Cancer has had a presence in Allyn Rose’s life for as long as she can remember. After witnessing her mother, grandmother and great aunt battle breast cancer, the model and former Miss USA underwent a preventative mastectomy. Now, she’s empowering previvors everywhere.

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Going Flat

In our new portrait series, we capture the beauty of the New Cancer Community.

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A Labor of Love

Jewelry designer Bella Caetano, owner of Bellina Caetano, is committed to creating products abundant with meaning. So when a Bellina Caetano x Cancer Wellness collab for warriors, thrivers and supporters was proposed, the decision was crystal clear.

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(Y)our Stories
The Divinity of Determination

Gospel house music prodigy Dana Divine has a reputation for being the life of the party, so it’s no surprise that she brought that same upbeat energy to her cancer journey.

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Mano a Mano, Con Poder

Northern Illinois organization Mano a Mano is empowering and educating Latinos to improve colorectal cancer screening rates and awareness among immigrants.

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Going for the GOULD

Famed NFL kicker Robbie Gould has turned the 2020-2021 football season into something unusual—a fundraiser for pediatric cancer.

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The Wilderness Between Love and Loss

Poet and author Victoria Bennett has experienced countless loss from mesothelioma in her family. With her new poetry collection, she hopes to share her message of hope and healing with others.

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cW Chat: Erika Wimms

Philadelphia educator Erika Wimms’ teachings have expanded beyond just the classroom as she works to spread early awareness about breast cancer in Black communities.

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(Y)our Stories
Life Unfiltered

Popular fashion, travel and lifestyle blogger Ceta Walters was ready to embark on her next phase of life when cancer came knocking. But despite it all, her diagnosis hasn’t kept her from sharing her wisdom with the world.

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(Y)our Stories
Shaken, but Not Stirred

A plan of care is important after a diagnosis, but even more important is making your voice heard during the process so you can receive the care that’s right for you.

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Saying Yes to Life

Bridal shop owner Lori Allen had it all, including two successful TV shows, a strong marriage and loving children. But it took a breast cancer diagnosis for her to finally care for the most important thing of all—herself.

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(Y)our Stories
The Loudest Voices

Whether it’s through news briefs, weather forecasts or traffic reports, journalists play an important role in the way we plan our day. These six Chicago women journalists take that influence one step further when it comes to cancer.

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Paying it Forward

When blogger Kamelia Britton was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer, she struggled to share her story with thousands of followers and find a sense of purpose. A stranger’s small act of kindness helped her do both.

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Power Play

Pro hockey player Sam Fields was working toward the NHL bid he had dreamed about since childhood. But after an unexpected CML diagnosis, he suddenly found himself in a very different kind of faceoff.

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Learning to Love a New Me

After undergoing treatment for Ewing Sarcoma cancer, veteran Brandi Benson was left with a 24-inch scar that tested and taught her to how to love and embrace her new self.

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(Y)our Stories
#FighterFriday: A Partnership of Healing

Bill Thompson thought he was in peak health, until a series of unexplainable symptoms led to his final diagnosis—stage IV bladder cancer. Fighting for his life was equal parts a physical, mental and medical battle.

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A Toxic Legacy

The health effects of the twin towers tragedy are only just recently being understood well.

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No Words Needed

Knowing exactly what to say or how to say it when talking about your own diagnosis isn’t always possible. When you just can’t seem to find the words, art therapy gives you a canvas.

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Generation Zero

Imagine a world without prostate cancer. Nonprofit ZERO is working to make that dream a reality.

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Navigating Fertility After Cancer

The turmoil of blogger Anna Crollman’s cancer diagnosis at 27 was amplified when she learned treatment could lead to loss of fertility. Her path to pregnancy wasn’t easy, but it evolved into a beautiful testimony of strength.

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Keeping the Legacy Alive

Seventeen years after Grammy Award-winning musician Warren Zevon’s death from pleural mesothelioma, his legacy lives on through the advocacy work of his son, Jordan.

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#FighterFriday: Embracing the Battle

When Army Col. Doug Thomas was diagnosed with epithelioid mesothelioma in May, at the age of just 45, he chose to return to the basic principles of service that guided him over the years

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(Y)our Stories

Social media has provided a platform for cancer warriors and thrivers to unapologetically share their journey while offering support and resources. Here’s six of our fave follow-worthy influencers doing just that.

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Running for a Cause

The Cancer Cartel’s first annual fun run/walk starts this weekend to benefit cancer warriors with financial constraints.

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Becoming the Miracle

Brandi Benson went overseas to fight for her country, but she ended up fighting another battle within herself—cancer.

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The Game of Survivorship

In waiting for No Evidence of Disease, Ana Reyes says cancer survivorship is much like a board game—full of false starts, great luck, and a lot of waiting.

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Finding Beauty Through the Battle

As a military wife, Kelsey Bucci is well versed in leaning into the unknown, and her unexpected breast cancer diagnosis was no exception. Through takeaways from her own fight, she’s now helping warriors everywhere feel beautiful and safe.

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jason rosenthal
(Y)our Stories
A Literary Love Story

Jason B. Rosenthal, husband of the late award-winning author Amy Krouse Rosenthal, chatted with us about “My Wife Said You May Want to Marry Me,” his memoir response to Amy’s viral New York Times column published just 10 days before her death from ovarian cancer.

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Living Out Loud

A cancer journey is deeply personal, but two-time warrior Christina Vaccacio chose to look outward and uplift others through sharing her story. It ended up impacting her own life in ways she never expected.

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The Cooking Cure

When Flavia Moylan’s son Joe was diagnosed with cancer, she used the food he ate—and not just the medicine he was given—to help him fight the sickness from within.

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Bear-able Hope

Bear Necessities raises awareness and funds for childhood cancer research, but until a cure is discovered once and for all, this nonprofit is on a quest to make each child’s day shine a little bit brighter.

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(Y)our Stories
The Thriver: Damian Buchman

While I didn’t enjoy the challenges of becoming a two-time survivor of bilateral osteosarcoma, I can say with confidence that those experiences strengthened my lionlike attributes, like persistence and drive.

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(Y)our Stories
A More Level Playing Field

Under the direction of founder Damian Buchman, Milwaukee nonprofit The Ability Center provides inclusive play opportunities for people of all abilities while changing the conversation around accessibility and inclusivity entirely.

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(Y)our Stories
Life … To Be Continued

At 23 years old, engineer Sydney Rozycki was on the cusp of young adult life when she received an unexpected breast cancer diagnosis. But she never saw it as being the end of her story—only a continuation.

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(Y)our Stories
Sweet Child of Mine

For children dealing with a world of uncertainty, art can be a useful and comforting way to induce mindfulness and joy.

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(Y)our Stories
Paddling for a Purpose

Environmentalist and Plastic Patrol founder Lizzie Carr found activism through one unusual journey: her treatment for cancer.

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(Y)our Stories
Cancer, COVID-19 and Me

Sofia Reino, a two-time cancer survivor, says the trials and tribulations of life in active treatment makes cancer warriors and survivors particularly prepared for difficult situations—including a pandemic.

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(Y)our Stories
Yes, She Can

Kym Douglas, a star of shows like “Home & Family” and “The Ellen DeGeneres Show” says her breast cancer diagnosis taught her one important lesson—how to advocate for herself.

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(Y)our Stories
The Warrior: Garrett Byrd

“This is the second time I’ve [battled] cancer,” says issue 6 warrior Garrett Byrd. “The first time, it definitely hit me way harder.”

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(Y)our Stories
A Radically Human Experience

Diagnosed with lymphoma like her father, Lea Guccione turned her cancer diagnosis into a powerful opportunity to find joy in the strangest moments.

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(Y)our Stories
Desperately Seeking Treatment

Alternative treatment centers in Tijuana, Mexico, claim miracle cures for cancer, but therapies on offer—ranging from zany to dangerous—often do more harm than good.

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(Y)our Stories
All in the Family

Twenty years after his death from bile duct cancer, legendary Chicago Bears running back Walter Payton’s legacy lives on in a new documentary, “Savoring Sweetness,” produced by his son, Jarrett.

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(Y)our Stories
The Warrior: Mardie Anderson

“I feel fine. I look fine. I’m functioning fine. And there’s no sense worrying about what’s going to happen,” says Warrior Mardie Anderson.

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(Y)our Stories
The Choice is Yours

You can’t control a cancer diagnosis, but you can control how you react to it. In her latest column, Jessica Walker talks about how to focus on the aspects of your life you can control amidst the uncertainty of a cancer diagnosis.

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(Y)our Stories
Twenty-Four Years of Reflection

After a near-death experience following an unexpected cancer diagnosis, Kathleen Brown reflects on the past 24 years of survivorship to appreciate the hidden gifts of her cancer journey.

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(Y)our Stories
When the Going Gets Tough

“Tough,” a collection of essays curated by breast cancer thriver Marquina Iliev-Piselli, acts as an everyday survival guide for those undergoing cancer treatment.

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(Y)our Stories
Dirty Laundry, Deadly Results

Zack Johnson and his film crew shine light on the everyday people affected by the deadly and aggressive cancer mesothelioma in the movie “Dirty Laundry.”

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(Y)our Stories
A Whole New Ball Game

Thomas Cantley went from a New York City fashion photographer to a homeless addict to a stage III cancer survivor. Now, he’s eager to share what he’s learned about life with people around the world.

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(Y)our Stories
America’s Favorite Warrior

From his start in medicine, finding his groove in stand-up comedy and hosting the hit competition show, “American Ninja Warrior,” to raising millions of dollars for charity, Matt Iseman has connected with audiences through the gift of storytelling.

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(Y)our Stories
More than a Mouthful

Rob Paulsen is one of the most recognizable voice actors working today, but a cancer diagnosis almost silenced him forever.

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(Y)our Stories
The Anna Wintour of Cancer

Melissa Berry founded Cancer Fashionista as a fashion and lifestyle resource for women diagnosed with cancer, dispensing fun and friendship for women when they need it most.

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The Heart of an Evolver

During her three cancer diagnoses, Tameka Johnson was flooded with harsh emotions—pain, anger, fear, frustration—but found her respite in writing, in loving her daughter, and living life “on purpose.”

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(Y)our Stories
The Life of the Party

Cancer Wellness’ resident meditation guide Shanna Shrum talks to us about her personal practice, what she hopes to share with clients, and how meditation can truly change one’s life for the better.

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(Y)our Stories
Somebody That I Used to Know

At just 30 years old, Sophie has been in remission from cancer for 23 years, but the trauma of surviving childhood cancer can’t be ignored, despite Sophie’s best efforts to stifle the memories.

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(Y)our Stories
The A-List Treatment

Cancer-free for almost 16 years, GiGi Sturgis was scared for her life when her acute myeloid leukemia came back. But after befriending stylist-to-the-stars Raquel Smith, GiGi was treated to a celebrity makeover which helped put her back on the path to living happily and healthily.

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(Y)our Stories
Real Talk

Caylei Vogelzang sits down with Art “Chat Daddy” Sims, host of “Real Talk, Real People” on WVON.

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(Y)our Stories
An Indelible Mark

Wendy Santana often felt fear, isolation, and anxiety during treatment and recovery for brain cancer, but a new tattoo sparked conversations in the hospital room that revived her spirit.

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(Y)our Stories
Blessings of a Third Life

The new documentary “True North” follows adventurer Sean Swarner from the hospital beds of his youth to the top of Mount Everest—and beyond.

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(Y)our Stories
The Art of Slowing Down

When cW columnist Jessica Walker went on an overseas excursion with her husband after his cancer diagnosis, she learned the small moments of joy are just as momentous as those that seem larger than life.

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(Y)our Stories
A Swift Turn of Events

Everything was going right for William Yank, until he fell ill with an innocuous sore throat. The diagnosis? Acute lymphoblastic leukemia. But in the months following treatment and remission, he learned that the true purpose of his life was just beginning.

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(Y)our Stories
A Sunny Outlook

Claudia “Sunny” Hayes was diagnosed with breast cancer at just 25 years old. A new business owner, her rigorous treatment schedule almost ruined everything she had worked for, but maintaining positivity and a renewed focus on her goals allowed her to create a new kind of success story.

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(Y)our Stories
What Becomes of the Carer

After her father passed, Clare Kustic struggled to find a new normal, but once she gave herself permission to falter, she finally found stability.

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(Y)our Stories
Whether I Want it to or Not

When Jamie found a lump in her breast, doctors told her it was nothing to worry about, but she trusted her instincts and got a second opinion. When she was eventually diagnosed with breast cancer, Jamie truly understood the importance of patients advocating for themselves.

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(Y)our Stories
The Thriver: Rach DiMare

I think people want everything to be definitively over, and that’s what I thought it was going to be like. I didn’t realize every day, in some aspect, it affects my day.

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(Y)our Stories
BRCA: The Waiting Game

Most 10-year-olds find out how to make volcanoes in science class; I figured out boobs were just as sensitive and explosive.

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(Y)our Stories
Cancer Queen

Miss Nikki gets real (funny) about the practical benefits of her mastectomy and Make-A-Wish Foundation.

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edward miskie
(Y)our Stories
The Survivor: Edward Miskie

Edward Miskie, a musical theater actor and the author of “Cancer, Musical Theater, and Other Chronic Illnesses,” learned a lot about the power of friendship and finding one’s purpose while undergoing treatment.

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(Y)our Stories
The Fighter: Bill Perez

Meet Bill Perez, who was first diagnosed with throat squamous cell carcinoma more than nine years ago. He calls facing cancer one of the fiercest battles of his life.

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(Y)our Stories
The Supporter: Sally Terpsma

Sally Terpsma’s husband of 42 years died less than a year after his mesothelioma diagnosis. In many ways, she became his primary caretaker, nurse, and cheerleader.

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(Y)our Stories
The Best Medicine

We celebrate the life and laughter of Miss Nikki, a Chicago-based stand-up comedian who fought and lost her battle with breast cancer.

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