First, her sister-in-law was diagnosed with metastatic cancer. Then her father. Supporter Melinda George shares two poems in reflection of the shock of those diagnoses and her love for her family.

I’m certainly unique, but not so different from everyone else. Life has been generous to me many times, but I have had a few awful patches. I really do not like to use the word bad, so instead, I refer to those days as “challenging experiences.”

In November 2018, my dad visited for Thanksgiving, and during that time, he became ill. He was rushed to the emergency room and was later diagnosed with metastatic prostate cancer. I felt like my world had crumbled and was totally devastated because I now had two family members fighting a cancer battle: My sister-in-law was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer a year before my dad’s diagnosis. Now, I had to find the strength to remain strong not only for my dad, but also for my sister-in-law. After all, this was going to be a life-changing event for everyone. My husband was extremely supportive when I immediately took action and became the caregiver for my dad.

There are so many great lessons that came from these difficult moments. I worked on keeping an attitude of gratitude everyday for essentials like food, shelter, love, support from my husband, family, friends, and the ability to manage my emotions. I created this mantra: “I don’t believe in rehearsing tragedy; instead I just positively embrace life. I can’t control the outcome or the result of situations, but I can do my part by showing up, be emotionally present and let the rest fall into place naturally.”

Her Light Still Shines

I see you 
I hear you
Are you able to hear my voice?
You have been given a task to fight
But it’s so hard for you to see the light
Geez, your life and all this is not right
You need to have some light
Your wrongs can’t be undone
Your rights can’t be redone
But Almighty, all I ask is for her to see the light
I see you 
I hear you
Are you able to hear my voice?
Your soul has been gutted
Why should your mouth be muted!
You are the witness to a Cancer crime
Your life at this moment feels scattered
Remember your life matters
We, your loved ones are bruised
But God has your light
So, tell us you will fight


Broken down and tired
The touch of the needle hurts
Damn! That port on my chest
It hurts like hell, That must be the hell on earth
And today, it’s only Tuesday
That  time of month for bills again
One step, two steps to the mailbox
Ouch! My legs are falling under
It hurts like hell, That must be the hell on earth
And today, it’s the Mailman again
I have been told that promises can’t be made
But just know that laughter comes with pain
Oops! There’s mucus all over my face
It hurts like hell, That must be the hell on earth
And today, it’s my birthday, HAPPY BIRTHDAY
Today, I dance like it was my last dance
Today, I have a limousine filled with gratitude
Today, I love ME, I love YOU
Today, I pause the ‘pissed off’ tears for later
Because today is my day, not Cancer Day.

Melinda George is a wife, daughter, sister-in-law, friend, career coach, author, entrepreneur and learning enthusiast. She is the founder of HR Inspired Business Solutions Inc. As a career coach, she helps mid-level professionals with global work experience to leverage their expertise to be in the career they desire. In 2019, she published her first book, Transformist of the Heart and Soul.


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